Next 8th edition, 12th to 18th december 2016  |  Español

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NOW & AFTER Moscow

Media DOME
FEM Link-Art

& Programa Curators

- TIME is Love

- LIMA. Peru

- Argentina

Web Film

Art Science Innovation
Artificial life
Software art
Trangenic art
Generative art
Geospatial storytelling 
Free Software
2D & 3D Animation
Digital Communities
Social Networks
Blog, videoblog
Apps developments
Mobil platforms
Data Visualization
Telepresence actions

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- Artificial Life
- Software art
- Transgenic art
- Generative art
- Bioart
- Nanotechnology
- Geospatial storytelling
- Videogamess
- Robotic
- Open Source
- 2D & 3D Animation
- Net-art
- Digitales Communities
- Social Networks
- Blog, videoblog
- Apps development
- Mobile platforms

International Calls 2016

Peter Whittenberger
Reno, NV. USA

Project: Whats the Worst that Can Happen?

What’s the Worst that Can Happen? is an abstract reflection on our inability to control time and how it shapes our lives. As a species, we can try to prepare for the future with education, career paths, who we spend time with, and who we love. Ultimately we can only do so much, as fate, God, the Dharma, luck, whatever decides how our lives will unfold. What’s the Worst that Can Happen? uses different iconography to portray time, progression, and waiting. Other assets in the video are from projects and ideas that failed to come to fruition. These assets symbolize the impossibility of foreseeing the future and controlling our personal destiny. My intention is to create a fluid composition that encompasses the randomness of everything that exists in linear time and how that time forms the content of our lives.

tag: 3 D animation

Peter Whittenberger 
Reno, NV. USA

Project: Dont Worry Youl lGet There

tag: 3 D animation

Rimas Sakalauskas
Vilniu. Lithuania
Project:  Give a Medal  

The video is created for the song of Lithuanian Independence movement (Sajudis) period band Antis of the late 80s.

I was inspired by the lyrics of the song, which I understood auto ironic and sarcastic. Artists has tendency to excessively seek for glory and honor, no matter what. From that came the concept which I wanted to convey with the video – that glory and gold eventually will collapse - and the history repeating it self. Creating this work I was inspired by art of the fascist and soviet periods and particularly by the architecture of Albert Speer.

tag: 3 D animation

Sandrine Deumier
Toulouse. France
Project: Soft_Butterfly

An androgynous character wakes up in a space closes, neutral and translucent. Constituted by a moldable and reconfigurable material, this extremely-tactile space is the place of all the possibles. The character indeed possesses the faculty to automoduler according to her emotional states and to adapt every element of its space surrounding in the measure of its mental reallocations. However, this faculty to return the reconfigurable reality to the infinity will eventually contains its own limits.

tag: 3 D animation

Teresa Tomás
Valencia. Spain

Project: Bangla en Reloj Eterno

BANGLA Y PIX deambulan por un mundo donde el tiempo y el espacio se pliegan y desdoblan configurando una suerte de juego. Son miembros de las familias que componen los TIPOS DIFERENTES, y están conformados por signos de puntuación y su misión es estructurar el pensamiento escrito.

Los avatares, facilitadores de sentido, brindan la posibilidad de beber poemas en las vasijas que conforman el paisaje. Al accionar los desarrollos bidimensionales que componen la superficie del juego los personajes quedan atrapados mediante el montaje volumétrico.

En el interior de las vasijas el tiempo fluye inversamente, y BANGLA se enfrenta a su pasado observando un video que se proyecta en las paredes del contenedor. El niño tipográfico, en una secuencia onírica, intenta atrapar un ángel bajo la vigilancia materna. Mediante la lectura silenciosa logra decodificar un poema de Eduardo Cirlot, RELOJ ETERNO, y superar de este modo el primer nivel. Por el contrario PIX deberá reiniciar su andadura por el paisaje metafísico, ya que los cuerpos geométricos son caminos sin salida que te devuelven al inicio.

Esta animación pertenece al concept art del videojuego de niveles titulado TIPOS DIFERENTES, cuyo objetivo es explorar las relaciones entre realidad y virtualidad mediante la interacción entre poesía y las nuevas tecnologías. Una propuesta donde la autora revisa la experiencia de juego desde claves artísticas, desvelando el enigma que encierran las imágenes a través del tiempo y el lenguaje.

tag: 3 D animation

Yael Toren 
Tel Aviv Project: Earth

An inverted virtual scene of a futuristic imagery, back to an ancient origin, embryonic and terminal at the same time, linked to the dust of creation and earth of burial.

The sculptural-material body, blindly withdrawn into itself, breaks up and crumbles before our very eyes. The embryonic image that Toren created seems vulnerable, though of a stony texture, or the opposite way around: an image of a forgotten fossil having “natural,” physical characteristics. A hyper-realistic scene, culminating in a shining explosion within the darkness.

tag: 3 D animation
Yael Toren 
Tel Aviv

Project: THE AND


tag: 3 D animation

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