22th to 27th sept 09   |  Español

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Anders Weberg
www.andersweberg.com, www.elsewhereness.com

Project: Elsewhereness

Elsewhereness by Anders Weberg and Robert Willim. The Elsewhereness series deals with questions of site specificity, juxtaposing the nomadic with the place-bound. Early site specific artworks in the 1960s – 70s were often massive in form and commented on the commodification of the prevailing artworld. In keeping with artist Richard Serra’s expression” to remove the work is to destroy the work”, most of this work was place-bound. Site specific art has since then been transformed. Often it is about the social, about engagement and relations between people living in a certain place and visiting artists. Elsewhereness subverts these approaches. It is instead about the ephemeral, about urban alienation and non-presence. It takes the possibilities for digital media in relation to site specific art to its extremes. It is also in a way a parody of the history of site-specific art creating “one place after another”, a dynamic that Miwon Kwon writes about in her discussion of the history of site specific art (2002). Elsewhereness is about the artists NOT being there. The artists are elsewhere, touching from a distance. The works in the Elsewhereness series are made solely from audio and videomaterial found on the web, material that emanates from a specific place. The audiovisual pieces are manipulated and composed into a surreal journey through an estranged landscape, based entirely on the culturally bound and stereotypical preconceptions of the artists about the actual location.


Andrei Thomaz

Project: First Person Movements

Based on the open source game Freedoom (a clone of Doom), and on the Doom engine GZDoom, also open source, the work First Person Movements (http://www.andreithomaz.com/arte/fpm/) shows a catalog of the movements executed inside mazes, which are characteristic of the first person shooters genre. Each movement is displayed with six different speeds, in such a way the viewer can analyse each one carefully. New movements are being added, continuously, to the work.


Andrei Thomaz

Project: The prey and the hunter

In The pray and the Hunter, two different viewpoints (cameras) move through a maze. The drawing of the maze is similar to the one built for the shooting of final scened of Shining, by Stanley Kubrick (1980). One camera pursues the other, until it manages to confine it and reach it.


Fabricio Caiazza

Project: Sincita

Con Sincita, traslado a otros espacios textos que circulan en internet, más precisamente en sitios de auto-publicación: blogs. Los textos que utilizo son fragmentos de pensamientos en torno a la construcción y circulación de realidad en la internet social o web 2.0. Luego me encargo de rotularlos sobre diversos soportes y trasladarlos a la calle para fotografiarlos y finalmente devolverlos a la blogosfera. Utilizo la rotulación manual de tipografías. Pinto letras con tizas o esmaltes sobre pizarras, maderas, plásticos, cartones, papeles. Son soportes bastardos encontrados (a veces) en las calles, que luego de transformarlos en mensajes los instalo, para fotografiarlos. Según su materialidad y locación, permanecen en el sitio o los retiro. Los ubico sobre paredes de casas, locales, transportes públicos, etc., con la intención de propiciar el encuentro ocasional con quienes transitan por esos espacios. Las intervenciones las estoy desarrollando en las ciudades de Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario y Mataró.


Bjørn Wangen

Project: The Ground + Almost ashore – visions of Bacbuc

The work is a two-channel projection of two separate loops using text as graphical elements. A landscape image is slowly changing between different seasons. During this, words recognizable from news media appear in the sky. During apprx 2 hours the words will fill up the whole image. At last the words will be cleared and the loop start over again. The two channels show different images, one seascape in which randomly picked online news words fill up the image almost like a fog, the other a winter landscape with a green soccer field, in which words gathers and hovers over the center of the field. These are full screen Flash projectors which loop constantly. The landscapes are literary, but very slowly, being invaded by words. They reload with new fresh words from news headlines on the internet. These images are a networked state of mind, constantly but slowly shifting landscapes in which words from \"nowhere\" fly in the skies. Thus we recognize the words and try to make sense of them, the images juxtapose the seemingly slowness of the local with the high speed textuality of the global. The \"onlineness\" which we experience today might anyway be a variant of an everyday experience which is connected to locality, like looking out the window or checking how the weather looks like. Though these two images are separate works and may be displayed individually, something interesting happens when placing them together, an altering of the physical(local) aspect, a window effect.


Dario Quaranta

Project: Nero Pop (years 2008-09)

New Media Art project: Game + Clips (twenty short clips) + Social Network Project (Facebook account: Nero Pop) www.neropop.it

Datos Técnicos / Technical Dates: \"Nero Pop\" is a web project which takes advantage of the power of wide band internet connections. The images in the various clips are created at high resolution on Macintosh computers using special software such as Adobe Photoshop and 3D Studio Max. The second phase of creation is converting these to a lower video resolution, and animating them on a pc using Flash technology. Finally the soundtrack is added, which has been previously optimized with specialized software. The project can be utilized both online and offline. In the first case one needs a pc with speakers and a wide band internet connection. In the second case the videos are published on Dvds (whole-screen view), and in this way can be viewed several times and/or projected onto a wall.

Manikova Galina


Has been released newly. Russian born artist Galina Manikova, who has lived in Norway since 1986, is responsible for the idea of this project, which is supported by Norwegian Cultural Fond. This site is a place, where the visitors can put their own notes in the virtual Wailing Wall or find, open, read and comment on the notes, left by other visitors. These notes do not have to be complains, they may show pictures, provoke discussions or express hopes and wishes. Aside from that public related part, the website hides a lot of small visual or musical elements and experiences that the visitors to this site can trace and play with. This project offers also a lot of links to other relevant and entertaining websites. One can get to some deeper layers and hidden sides only by participating actively. When one puts own new notes into the wall, one gets further to some new layers and discovers some new sides within this project, which continuously gets changed and updated. The main subject of www.wailingwall.no is walls, why they are build and how they influence the mankind. This site allows ordinary people to express their opinions on the subject uncensored. Right now have many people already sent a lot of notes containing different views on the war in Gaza, the conflict in the Middle East and the subject of terrorism, which shows how relevant and up to date this project is. Bottom stones of this wall show many exhibitions made by the author around the world.
Michael Filimowicz

Project: Meridiend

Is a work of net art combining literary writing and digital photography to explore a variant of psychogeography, defined by Guy Debord as \"the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals” and as “a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiences.” The approach to psychogeography in MERIDIEND is to explore the interstices between writing and the real places that served in some way as a point of contact for these texts. Neither text nor image \"explain\" or \"caption\" the other, but rather viewing and reading relies on the memory of each, as texts and images are not viewable simultaneously. Furthermore, this approach rejects the \"anti-ruralism\" of the Situationist dérive with its urban obsessions, and engages the poetic and dialectical tensions between city and country. The interface instantiates a dérive for the interactor, who can drift amongst these texts and images in either random or systematic fashion. Once the image has been replaced by its accompanying text, it cannot be easily gotten back to unless an effort has been made by the viewer-reader-drifter to keep track of their moves.

Paolo Cirio

Project: The Big Plot

“The Big Plot” is a romantic spy-story played on the info-sphere. Four characters tell a story using dialogues shown on YouTube videos, blog posts, Flicker pictures, Twitter, and via entries on their Facebook profiles. Audiences have an active role in the story as well they are able to interact with the characters and creating other pieces of the story. Performances in public environments will complete the set of stages where the story will be acted. It’s experimental storytelling, which uses videos, texts, pictures, signs and performances to tell a story about espionage, political issues and sentimental relationships. The spectators play a crucial role in the unfolding of the story; they follow clues by reading diaries and watching videos of the characters, they assist at public events, they find other pieces of the story disseminated over the internet and they can contact the characters to find out more information. The fiction is based on a true story; the main role is a Russian spy who was arrested in Canada three years ago. By using his real cover name, I exploited his identity and his life to fictionalize an alleged plot by a Russian political movement. One of the aims of this movement (which does have a counterpart in real world) is to create a super-state called Eurasia. During the story any political aspirations are spoiled by complicated love tangles and weaknesses in the psychological integrity of all the characters.
Tirso Orive Liarte

Project: Astro en mi casa

The piece is concieved as an infinite work in progress life project. The aim is to lead the user into a computerized interaction (or is it to come up the user to the non interaction), where a reasonable paradox´s world is shown by a randomly but synchronized and polycentric structure in which are arranged/messed up a bunch of my own unkown myths.

  Tomas Rawski

Songs With Words. (Songs With Words)

The Project is a webpage which shows the percentages of the appearance of 2 (two) words within the lyrics of songs. Upon entering the page there is an example of a comparison of 2 words. In this case an antonym like war and peace. The results are shown very simply, demonstrating that WAR is mentioned more times than the word PEACE, in the lyrics contained on the database. Then the visitor can make as many searches as they want and can look at the words that others have searched for. Our system has 500,000 songs, mainly in English or Spanish. GENERAL OBJECTIVE A critique on the banality of the application of formulae that are used to generate lyrics of songs. At the same time, an attempt is made to make people aware of the words that are mentioned when they sing a song.

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