9-10-11th may 2007  |  Español

T  h  e      F  i  r  s   t          I    n     t    e    r    n    a    t     i    o    n    a    l
      C   o   n  g   r   e   s  s

a    r     t          &        n   e w         m   e   d   i    a

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-- videoart
-- net-art
-- 2D & 3-D animation
-- blog- videoblog
-- mobil platform
-- digital music
-- videodance
-- digital communities
-- geospatial , storytelling
-- artificial life, software art
    transgenic, generative


A r t     I n t e r n a c i o n a l   C a l l    A R T   T ECH   M E D I A   07

VIDEOART ::::::::::::::: A r t i s t s   ::::::::::::::::::::  A r t i s t a s

name: 80juan80
surname: 80juan80
country: Finland
email: 80juan80@gmail.com
URL: www.80juan80.net
project: Alku_E
project: Art is just a word art DV-video
name: Adam
surname: Trowbridge
country: USA
email: adam@tw-co.com
URL: www.atrowbri.com
project: Conversations Z
name: Adán
surname: Durán Vázquez
country: Spain
email: nomenekpos@gmail.com
URL: http://www.alg-label.com/spip.php?article19
project: PhysikoS, AphysikoS
name: Alban
surname: Muja
country: Kosovo
email: albanmuja@gmail.com
project: Video Art
surname: Quinteros
country: Puerto Rico
email: sieteperros@hotmail.com
URL: www.alejandroquinteros.net
project: American Hipnosis
surname: Brucini
country: Italy
email: brucini@alenet.eu
URL: www.alenet.eu
project: eZS : sequenza 1
name: Alessia Zuccarello
surname: Zuccarello
country: Italy
email: zuccarelloalessia@libero.it
URL: www.alessiazuccarello.net
project: Return
name: Ana
surname: Husman
country: Croacia
email: ana@mi2.hr
URL: www.anahusman.net
project: The market
name: Analeine
surname: Cal y Mayor
country: Mexico
email: anacalymayor@yahoo.es
project: Saris
project: Imperial Hair Cutting Saloon
name: Andrew
surname: Johnson
country: USA
email: andrewjohnson@cmu.edu
URL: http://artscool..cfa.cmu.edu/~johnson
project: The Annunciation II: VICTEORY (sic)
name: Anne-Laure
surname: Franchette
country: France / UK
email: waidu@yahoo.fr
project: 5 french girls in their mancunian bedrooms
name: Aaron
surname: Oldenburg
country: USA
email: pinothefrog@pulledhair.com
URL : www.pulledhair.com
project: Darwin\'s Copy Machine
name: Begoña
surname: Carrasco Martínez
country: Spain
email: beceeme@hotmail.com
project: Espera
name: Bret
surname: Battey
country: UK
email: bbattey@dmu.ac.uk
URL: http://BatHatMedia.com
project: Mercurius
name: Brian
surname: DeLevie
country: USA
email: b.delevie@comcast.net
URL: www.briandelevie.com
project: Whispers of Contradiction
URL: www.briandelevie.com
proyecto/project Haggadah
URL: http://www.briandelevie.com/projects/project2.html
project: Re-remembered, digital palimpsests
name: Bruno
surname: Bresani
country: Spain
email: bbppbbtt@hotmail.com
URL: http://creaciodigital.upf.edu/~bbresani/
project: Deepen Sleep
project: Todavía no
project: Veil
project: Sin ti
project: Game Over Project
project: Saudades do dessespero
project: Océano
project: Los últimos monos
name: Carlo
surname: Sansolo
country: Brazil
email: csansolo@gmail.com
project: Ozuland002
name: Carlos
surname: Urbina
country: Spain
email: urbina@carlosurbina.com
URL: www.carlosurbina.com
project: Las Tribulaciones de Duchamp en la Chute d\Éau
name: Carola
surname: Cintrón-Moscoso
country: Puerto Rico
email: carola@velocipedo.com
URL: www.velocipedo.com
project:Flotation #1(Regress)
name: Christin Bolewski
surname: Bolewski
country: Germany
email: christin@ooio.de
URL : www.christinbolewski.de
project infinite trajectory
URL : www.sony.de/braviamotionart
project: Still life in motion
name: Cleantho
surname: Viana
country: Brazil
email: cleanthoviana@gmail.com
project: Tonight Show Serie
name: Cruaud
surname: Pierre-yves
country: France
Email: pycruaud@yahoo.fr
URL : www.cruaud.net
project: traces
name: Dea-Woon
surname: Kang
country: Spain
email: deawoonkang@hotmail.com
project: Larme
project: Sans-Titre
project: Regard IV
name: Dege
surname: Martin A.
country: Germany
email: m.dege@gmx.net
URL: www.madege.de
project: \"un nu dans l\'escalier\"
name: Dematei
surname: Marcelo
country: Argentina / Spain
email: marcelo.dematei@iua.upf.es
URL: http://www.iua.upf.es/~mdematei
project: 44-Stalkermuger
name: Dhennin & Sanson
surname: Benoit & Yoann
country: Belgium & France
email: benoit.dhennin@gmail.com
URL : http://users.coditel.net/benoitdhennin/
project: Les yeux attachés / Attached eyes
name: Diego Ramiro
surname: Sánchez Raffaelli
country: Argentina
email: daido12@msm.com
project: Insanas e Impuraas esas tierras
name: Doug
surname: Gast
country: USA
email: dpgast@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.noprogram.org
project: Reasons why viewers fail to remember
name: Eduardo
surname: Duwe
country: Brazil
email: edduwe@directnet.com.br
project: Ensayos de camera
name: Elis
surname: Kaufman
country: Spain
email: nexatenaus@yahoo.es
URL: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=eliskaufman
project: Delicate
name: Erika
surname: Fraenkel
country: Brazil
Email: eddiefraenkel@yahoo.com.br
project: Kinder surprise
project: Queria meus quadris realmente presentes
project: As fezes do periquito contaminam o corpo
project: Sejamos todos bonzinhos
name: Esther
surname: Achaerandio
country: Spain
email: esther_achaerandio@hotmail.com
project: Dsbios
name: Fabian
surname: Giles
country: Mexico
email: que@freegar.org
URL: http://www.freegar.org/video
project: video.freegar.org
URL: http://notelevision.freegar.org
project : no televisiOn
URL: http://www.freegar.org/video
project: video.freegar.org
name: Federico
surname: Campanale
country: Netherland
email: mail@federicocampanale.com
URL: www.federicocampanale.com
project: Kogel Vogel
name: FemLink
surname: we are 39
country: from 39 countries
email: femlink@wanadoo.fr
URL: www.femlink.org
project: our video collage : RESISTANCE (installation or single)
name: Franca
surname: Formenti
country: Italy
email: biodoll3@biodollsmouse.org
URL: www.biodollsmouse.org, http://www.francaformenti3.org/Bloki/VideoEng.htm
project: Use Condoms
name: Gabriele
surname: Pesci
country: Italy
email: gabriele.pesci@virgilio.it
project: Solaris
name: Gennaro
surname: De Pasquale
country: Canada
email: cheaporeactor@hotmail.com
project: Architecture Around 0 db
name: Grace
surname: Grinberg
country: Israel
email: graceg@netvision.net.il
project: Coffee with Pina
name: Hamdi
surname: Attia
country: Egipt / USA
email: hamdiattia@gmail.com
URL: http://www.arteeast.org/virtualgallery/hamdi-attia/vg-attia.html
proyecto: Tow performances. Ram
name: Heather
surname: Freeman
country: USA
email: hdfreema@email.uncc.edu
URL: http://www.EpicAnt.com
project: Yo No Tengo Soledad
project: Bird Brain
project: Cordova Study 01 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind
project: Love Letter #1
name: Henry
surname: Gwiazda
country: USA
email: henrygwiazda@cableone.net
URL : www.henrygwiazda.com
project: i\'m sitting, watching......
name: Hugo
surname: Paquete
country: Portugal
email: exocentergroup@mail.com
project: Borders video installation
name: Jan Hakon
surname: Erichsen
country: Norway
email: janhakon@yahoo.no
URL: http://www.janhakon.com
project: \"Falling Down\"
name: Janice
surname: Tanaka
country: USA
email: Janice
URL: http://www.Janicetanaka.com
project: Swimming in Air
name: Javier
surname: Toscano
country: Mexico
email: tosgue@yahoo.com
project: Los argonautas crónicos
name: Jen Hung
surname: Wang
country: Taiwan
email: aslow1979@yahoo.com.tw
project: City Jail
name: Jennifer
surname: Schmidt
country: USA
email: j@jenniferschmidt.com
URL: http://www.jenniferschmidt.com
project: HYMN 2006
name: (quimu c.s.) Joaquim
surname: Casalprim Suárez
country: Spain
email: quimu.c.s@gmail.com
project: Sin Título (autobiografía #1)
project: De la pell perpétua (autorretrato #1)
name: Johanna
surname: Reich
country: Germany
email: johannareich@web.de
URL: www.johannareich.com
project : Alle Wege fuehren nach Rom (Todos los caminos conducen a Roma)
project: De vez en cuando
name: Jorunn
surname: Myklebust Syversen
country: Norway
email: jomysy@gmail.com
URL: www.jorunnmyklebustsyversen.com
project: Violent Sorrow Seems a Modern Ecstasy
name: Jorunn
surname: Myklebust Syversen
country: Norway
email: jomysy@gmail.com
URL: www.jorunnmyklebustsyversen.com
project: Violent Sorrow Seems a Modern Ecstasy
name: Josef
surname: Bares
country: Chec Republic
email: joeb@c8400.com
URL: www.c8400.com, www.josef.bares.name
project: Precious Petals
name: Juan Francisco
surname: Blanco Romero
country: Spain
email: dunantar@hotmail.com
URL: www.jfblanco.blogspot.com
project: Dreams are the matter we are made of
name: Juan José
surname: Herrera Vela
country: Mexico
email: juanjo.herrera@gmail.com
URL: http://juanjo.herrera.com
project: Cocoon
name: Juanma
surname: González
country: España
email: juanma@inquattro.com
URL: http://www.inquattro.com
project: Gamusinos
project: Vacas jistori
name: Julián
surname: Alvarez García
country: Spain
email: julian@idep.es
URL: www.idep.es/juliansite
project: Ninots
name: Julián
surname: Bonequi
country: Mexico
email: bonequi@gmail.com
URL: http://www.zshare.net/video/swamp-dream-wmv.html
proyecto: Sueño de Pantano
URL: http://www.zshare.net/video/2003-los-angeles-wmv.html
project: 2003: Los Ángeles
URL: http://www.zshare.net/video/selfportrait-wmv.html
project: Selfportrait
name: Kaoru
surname: Katayama
country: Japan / Spain
email: kaoru_katayama@hotmail.com
project: Sobremesa
name: Katerina / Alfonso
surname: Liana / Calderon Morcillo
country: Grecia
email: kuku_go@yahoo.com
project: Flow on my feet
name: Kiessling
surname: Marte
country: Germany
email: martemarte@gmail.com
URL: www.myspace.com/martemarte
project: Experimental Movie
name: Lane
surname: Last
country: USA
email: lanelast@utm..edu
URL: www.lanelst.com
project: Ancient Rhythm
URL: www.utm.edu
project: Blip Bodh1
name: Laura
surname: Skocek
country: Austria
email: laura.skocek@gmx.at
URL: http://bulbul.twoday.net/topics/flyingtime/
project: Flying time
name: Lee
surname: Yanor
country: Israel
Email: leeyanor@bezeqint.net
project: Coffee with Pina
name: Lemeh42
surname: Lemeh42
country: Italy
email: lemeh_42@yahoo.it
URL: www.lemeh42.indivia.net
project: Cerca de mi
name: Lindsay
surname: Duncanson
country: UK
Email: lindsay@productofboy.net
URL : www.productofboy.net
project: Breath of a House
name: Liora
surname: Belford
country: Israel
email: info@duprass.com
URL: www.duprass.com
project: Limbo Sketches
project: Free Field
project: R U Talking To Me?
name: Lippert
surname: Beat
country: Switherland
email: be.lip@bluewin.ch
project: Whistlers and informations
name: Lisa
surname: Stansbie
country: U K
email: lisastansbie@hotmail.com
URL : www..axisweb.org/artist/
project: The Cloud Collector
name: Luciana
surname: Esqueda
country: Mexico
email: tzolkin2006
name: Maite
surname: Cajaraville
country: Spain
email: maite.cajaraville@grupomanglar.com
project: La nadadora
name: Mai Yamashita
surname: Naoto Kobayashi
country: Japan / Germany
email: m_plus_n@mac.com
URL: http://homepage.mac.com/m_plus_n/
project: Infinity
name: Malcolm
surname: Levy
country: Canada
email: malcolm@revised.tv
URL: www.revised.tv
proyecto: Video Paintings: The Ganges
name: Manolo
surname: Cocho
country: Mexico
email: tzolkin2006@yahoo.com.mx
URL: http://es.geocities.com/tzolkin2006/geo-grafica.html
project: Geo-Grafica
name: Manuel
surname: Legarda
country: Peru / Spain
email: legarda_art@yahoo.com
URL: http://es.geocities.com/videolegarda
project: Exhuman
project: Acción Cívica
nombre: Marcelo
apellido: Dematei
country: Argentina / Spain
email: marcelo.dematei@iua.upf.es
URL: http://www.iua.upf.es/~mdematei/malos
proyecto: Los malos pasan
name: Marco
surname: Villani
country: Italy
email: marco.villani@fastwebnet.it
URL: www.marcovillani.net
project: ReadyMadeLife
name: Marco
surname: Pucci
country: Italy
email: puccimarco76@yahoo.it
project: Lost Identity - interactive installation
name: Martha
surname: Gorzycki
country: USA
email: gorzycki@sfsu.edu
URL: none
project: Unfurling
name: Marie Louise
surname: O\'Dwyer
country: Ireland
email: molzas@hotmail.com
project: Vídeo performances on DVDs
name: Massimo
surname: Pianese
country: Italy
email: massimopianese@inwind.it
project: Bras
project: Bamboo
project: Alcantara
project: Piccio
name: Maubrey
surname: Benoit
country: Germany
email: maubrey@snafu.de
URL: http://www.audioballerinas.com
project: Vídeo PEACOCK
name: Mike
surname: Salmond
country: USA
email: msalmond@niu.edu
URL: http://www.stresspuppy.net
project: Ghosts of Colonial Pasts
name: Miro
surname: Soares
country: Brazil, live and work at France
email: miro@mirosoares.com
URL : www.mirosoares.com
project: Antes dos vermes o clero inteiro (Before the worms, the whole clergy)
name: Malcolm
surname: Litsson
country: UK
email: mlitson72@hotmail.com
project: AVTV
name: Natalie
surname: McKeever
country: USA
email: mckjig@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dDTk3sT66k
project: Voyage on Bike
name: Nicole / Franz
surname: Blaffert / Wamhof
country: Germany
email: nbfw@ft100.de
URL: www.ft100.de
project: Your World Is So Far From The One I Know
name: Pascual
surname: Sisto
country: USA
email: psisto@earthlink.net
URL: http://www.pascualsisto.com
name: Pau
surname: Pascual
country: Spain
email: pausigma@yahoo.es
URL : www.vaiamostra.net
project: \"Amort\" (Amor y Muerte)
name: Paula
surname: Abreu
country: Portugal
email: paula.cardoso.abreu@gmail.com
URL : www.paulaabreu.com
project: Punctum: in coloured verbs
name: Pedro
surname: Torres
country: Brazil
email: torres.pedro@gmail.com
URL: www.pedrotorres.net (web en finalización)
project: Elapsed. Rund. Roda
name: Pekka
surname: Ruuska
country: Finland
email: ruuskap@yahoo.com
URL: www.pekkaruuska.tk
project: M-62
name: Priscila
surname: Clementti
country: Argentina
email: priscila.clementti@gmail.com
URL : www.particula.net
project: Yo no vivo aqui
name: Rafael
surname: Miralles Sanchez
country: Spain
email: rafaelmiralles@aavc.net
name: Ricardo
surname: Fernandez
country: Mexico
email: ricardoanderson@masenimagen.com
URL: www.masenimagen.com
project: Comunicación visual
name: Robin
surname: Martinez Hernandez
country: Cuba
email: mhrobin84@hotmail.com
name: Sabrina
surname: Guzman
country: Colombia
email: sa-guzma@uniandes.edu.co
URL: ftpest.uniandes.edu.co/~sa-guzma/intro.html
project: Voyage
name: Sara
surname: García
country: Spain
email: sara.caos@gmail.com
project: De la athomo-vasija. Experimento VII. Deseo
name: Sara
surname: Herculano Gallego
country: Spain
email: herculanosara@hotmail.com
project: Sur la neige
name: Satadru sovan Banduri
surname: Banduri
country: India
email: satadru.sovan@gmail.com
URL : http://danm.ucsc.edu/web/Satadru
project: Matrimonial Bazzar
nombre: Scott
apellido: Kildall
país: USA
email: scott@kildall.com
URL: http://www.kildall.com/artwork/strm.html
project: Something To Remind Me
name: Shawn
surname: Towne
country: USA
email: towne@mac.com
URL: www.shawntowne.com
project: Runway
project: Kaleidoscope
project: Carousel
name: Sahin
surname: Ozbay
country: Turkey
email: sahinozbay@gmail.com
URL: http://www.baziseyler.com
project: Dogrular / Straights
name: Shon
surname: Kim
country: USA / S. Korea
email: shonkim@gmail.com
URL: www.shonkim.com
project: Latent Sorrow
project: Toxic Trip
name: Sinestetico
country: Italy
name: Sonia
surname: Armaniaco
country: Italy
email: soniarma@tin.it
project: landscaping
project: floating poem
name: So Young
surname: Yang
country: USA
email: EyeSyncWorks@yahoo.com
URL: www.SoYoungYang.com
project: Portrait
name: Stuart
surname: Steve
country: France
email: steve@stevestuart.net
URL: www.stevestuart.net
project: C2
name: Suzanne
surname: Caines
country: Canada
email: sdcaines@yahoo.com
URL: http://scaines.com
project: Conversations
name: Tal
surname: Shoshan
country: Israel
email: talbshu@macam.ac.il
project: Phnom Penh the city of Penh
name: Thorsten
surname: Fleisch
country: Germany
email: snuff@fleischfilm.com
URL: www.fleischfilm.com
project: Energie!
nombre: Ulises
apellido: Barreda
país: Mexico
email: cerealkillerx@hotmail.com / ulex@simbioptic.com
proyecto: Comportamiento cotidiano
proyecto: Inesperado
proyecto: Espejo Numero Tres
name: Verónica Ruth
surname: Frias de la cuesta
country: Spain
email: veporolla@yahoo.es
URL: www.myspace.com/veronica_frias
project: Algo muy dentro casi fuera
project: Algo de dentro
project: DE-construcción
project: Disfrazando el Arte (Hannah Höch)
project: Disfrazando el Arte (Tamara Lempicka)
project: Disfrazando el Arte (Frida)
name: Victor
surname: Martinez-Diaz
country: Mexico
email: vicmardi@gmail.com
URL: www.bereda.com/losos
project: www.bereda.com/losos/solaristica
name: Wilfried
surname: Agricola de Cologne
country: Germany
Email: info@agricola-de-cologne.de
URL: www.agricola-de-cologne.de
project: The Rehearsal
project: Bareback - serial DIScharge
project: House of Tomorrow 2007
name: Xavier
surname: Gavin
country: Spain
email: xaviergavin@gmail.com
URL: http://www.xaviergavin.com
project: Not the person we know
name: Xenia
surname: Vargova
country: Bulgari
email: xen.vargov@gmail.com
URL: www.xen.joroxen.net
project: TUTU
name: Ximena
surname: Labra
country: Mexico / Spain
email: ximena@ximenalabra.com
URL: www.ximenalabra.com
project: Coriolano ( en familia)
project: Vigilante
project: Tuyo 06
name: Yaron
surname: Lapid
country: UK
email: videoron@gmail.com, finderandkeeper@co.uk
project: Casual Mechanisms


Thanks to all





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