II edición.  25 a 28 nov 2010   |  English

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Trabajos a través de e-call Arte Ciencia Innovación 2010:
Artificial Life / Software art / Transgenic art / Generative art / Bioart / Nanotecnología / Geospaciall storytelling / Videojuegos / Robótica / Open Source / Net art /
2D & 3D Animación / Comunidades Digitales / Redes Sociales / Blog, videoblog / Creaciónpara platformas móviles
USA. Canadá. Italia. Israel. Turquía. China. Alemania. Portugal. España. Austria. Finlandia. Suecia. Australia. Croacia
Ali Miharbi
Turquía / USA

Proyecto: Movie Mirrors

Consists of a computer, monitor, a webcam and custom software. The viewer sees his nor her mirror image being switched back and forth to characters from movie images surrounded by their scene. The viewer’s face is captured in real time; its size and location on the screen is determined and matched to a series of images stored in a database. The first version, “Movie Mirrors: Trailers” uses 2500+ images from recent movie trailers.

tag: software art
André Sier

Proyecto: k.~

k.~ is a sonic land-surveyor of infinite spaces. A three dimensional voyage in continuous space through sound. Infinite spaces are enumerated randomly, as k.~ goes to new levels, crossing an ever ending abstract maze. Sound input via computer\'s microphone controls the navigation of k.~ in the abstract 3d space.

tag: software art
Julian Palacz
Viena. Austria

Proyecto: Algorithmic search for love
In a time in which digital cultural assets far outweigh analog, the ease with which we can now amass and exchange material has resulted in large personal collections of media data [music, films, series etc.]. Julian Palacz has devised and developed a search engine that is able to enter text to search personal film and video archives for spoken language. An individual collection of films thus becomes a database of keywords and every spoken word or phrase in the archives can be searched. By entering a sentence like “i love her”, all film or video clips with this phrase will be shown in sequence. The selection of keywords therefore determines the process of resequencing image and sound in the film material. Algorithmic search for love creates an algorithm that unfurls for the viewer new possibilities for audiovisual narratives.

tag: software art

Varvara Guljajeva y Mar Canet Sola

Proyecto: My name is

Proyecto: Mi nombre es

Este proyecto es una visualización metafórica de los seres humanos, hoy. Según mi punto de vista, no estamos limitados a un cuerpo sin más, a través de las redes podemos extendernos hasta el infinito. El lugar no importa, lo importante es la conexión. Por lo tanto, en este punto estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Mitchell "la desconexión es una amputación". Puedo vincular, por lo tanto, soy.

Varvara Guljajeva es una artista de Estonia que actualmente vive y trabaja en Linz, Austria. Su atención se centra en instalaciones interactivas y esculturas cinéticas orgánicas. Sus trabajos son un reflejo de la sociedad, el medio ambiente y la era cibernética. Comparte sus conocimientos sobre arte interactivo en la Universidad de Linz y realizando talleres con niños, jóvenes y artistas que están interesados en aplicar la tecnología con fines creativos.

tag: generative arts

Jana Zufic
http://tekne.polis.hr/echo/ media

Proyecto: Echo

Just now in a land far, far away. There is a mighty building and an exhibition inside of it. Visitors enter in an almost empty zone. They circulate, wander, investigate… On a small screen elusive forms wave up and down. Associative components defy the abstractness of the representation.
Moving about the place, they begin to notice that their presence and their movements, initially unintentional, affect the animation. Graphic elements assimilate the colors of their hair and clothing, weights and curvatures of the lines change, disruption spreads, chaos infiltrates into order.
Delicate arabesques metamorphose into raging forms, the subtlety of whiteness into coloristic expressivity. Visitors become participants of the creative process, enabled to actively alter the temporal and visual aspects of the artwork.
Signals stream from several “places of analysis”, one for each room or floor, into a single “place of synthesis”, set up at an independent location such as the entry hall, a central foyer or a video wall of some kind ([preferably turned outwards, towards public places outside of the building]. Large screens, positioned so as to form a lively composition, show the current flow of visitors through the building, from floor to floor or from room to room.

tag: generative arts
Gerald Hushlak

Proyecto: BreederArt

Drawings using evolutionary computing processes. The input data, (huge photographic files as large as 65 megabits) is modified and transformed through an iterative process. The end product results in very large high-resolution digital images, extracted from dozens of digital photographs that are usually shot around a thematic subject. Digital breeding is an iterative process creating hundreds of permutations from the already numerous input images.
Input into the process is as open ended as possible. Once the software direction is established, the numbers of images bred in the computer is inconsequential and defined by disk space. In the final stages of each
piece I strive for complexity communicating with complexity, a task made possible by the processing capacities of computers. When the automated phase of production is complete, the artist’s role becomes that of sorter. Output is examined image by image, selecting, discarding, combining and grouping so visual trends can be spotted and adjusted in subsequent levels of iterations. The images that are retained are edited and transformed to become completed works. These completed works frequently become source data for the creation of another iteration of the theme.

tag: genarerative arts
Varvara Guljajeva

Proyecto: SONIMA

SONIMA - is a sonic organic sculpture that lives in symbiosis with a tree. The sculpture produces sounds based on wind and/or human interaction with it. Although Sonima looks like an animal, it produces human-like sounds, like sneezing and croaking.
My aim is to re-think nature and the urban environment around us. To be more specific, I am creating a new form of symbiosis. My inspiration comes from nature and its regulatory systems of co-existence and interaction that is known as symbiosis. For me the beauty of symbiosis within biology is processes where two organisms act as one yet still exist as separate species, such as a host and a graft. Thus, SONIMA acts as a graft and uses a tree as a host.

tag: artificial life
Chiara Passa

Proyecto: Charting Arts Thoughts

"Charting Art's Thoughts" is a spontaneous neuronal network of thoughts. Thus, thoughts about digital art from ‘Hyperuranium’ have landed on a virtual map. The short (160 characters as twitter displays messages) art's thoughts are generated from Twitter posts that match a database of keywords related to art . At every page's reload, the earth’s map refreshes itself and tracks new words and phrases. Charting Art's Thoughts is a circuit where random thoughts on new media art are shared on a map! This map is inspired from the ideasonair.net’s theory that says: “Ideas are in the air and the earth is spinning around, connecting with these ideas at various places. So an identical idea could land or be had in New York and Rome at the same time.”

tag: artificial life